Many years ago for images in our projects we relied on $300-500 per disk photo CDs and for vector art things like the 20 CD ClickArt 1 Million collection. Well, ClickArt is back – and now online.
Although it features lots of photo images, they are relatively small at 800px wide and 72 dpi. The offering is wide, with many having those same 80/90’s fashions I remember from use years ago. But many are ultra new and even the same images I have pulled from sources like (of course much smaller file size here).
And if you need vector art (aka: clip art or line art), having a searchable database and unlimited downloads for a year is worth the price!
As for price, they are currently offering a 1 year, unlimited download for only $40.00!!
Click here to check out all the details.
– Troy @ TLC