Flying in from Italy to Seattle is a definite time zone change. But being with the other PowerPoint MVPs affords little time for sleep! Microsoft hosted their MVP Summit at the end of February and it was a great event!

There are over 2,500 MVPs worldwide and approximately 1,500 converged onto Microsoft’s Redmond, Washington campus. There are just under 30 PowerPoint MVPs worldwide and 12 of us were at the summit. I spent the week in sessions with the PowerPoint development team where we previewed new features, talked about upcoming releases and were able to point out the needs of real people (not that the Microsoft developers are not real – they are very real, but do live in a bubble of statistics and theoretical concepts). And of course, each evening was a great time too!

Everything covered is under NDA, which means I am excited to share lots of great things the moment it is made public!

– Troy @ TLC