Presentations can use lots of images. For the random person image, there are many royalty free image sites (eg. legal to use images, not randomly copying an image owned by someone else and adding to a presentation). But in a twist of technology, there is another option.
The “This Person Does Not Exist” website is a never ending display of deep fake people headshots. You do not know what is going to displayed, just keep refreshing the page to get a different image. Also, once an image is gone, you are not going to find it again!
Go to It is a very simple website. No navigation, menus, or text. Just a photo of a person – that does not exist (more on this in a moment).
What is a “deep fake”? Search the web for details. My simplistic answer is, a deep fake is a photograph generated through AI algorithms that pull details from many photos (many of the source photos already fake images) to composite a new, very realistic looking image. So the above image is literally no one. This is not a real person. He does not exist. And yes, he looks very real (tip: don’t believe any image on social media!).
I said the website has no content beyond the photo. But it does. In the lower right is a popup information box that has some information and links to 3 Youtube videos the author of this website created to explain, and inform, what Nvidia’s (yes the graphics card company) Style GAN2 software is. The summary is, StyleGAN2 is the AI system that created all of these very realistic, but fake, people images.
Check out Henry AI Labs video # 1 on YouTube for some fascinating information on how Deep Fake images are created (it is link “1” in the info popup).
So, why include a website like on a presentation design blog?
Because of what we started with, presentations need lots of images – people images. I am not speaking with authority here, but if the image is of a person that does not exist, was generated by an AI algorithm and available to anyone with no copyright notice, I am going with the idea that this is a perfect, legal and random “person” image that can be used in a presentation!
The images from this site are 1024×1024, so not quite full screen. They are also in the .jfif file format, which most people have not used (it is a fancy .jpg, just use it).
Jake at the TLC Creative studio created a few example slide layouts with images from this site in use. And the names were created on a name generator site!
Fake names. Fake images. Real slides.
– Troy @ TLC