Okay, this is way off topic, and off-season for that matter. But earlier this week I went through a fun morning of major dental surgery (you don’t want to know, but if you have kids, tell them to break bones not teeth – it’s a lot easier to deal with later in life!). The upside is that I was given permission to eat ice cream this week, as the cool will help.
Perfect timing, as Cold Stone Creamery put out a 2-for-1 coupon last week!
Yesterday I decided would be a good opportunity to use this coupon – but the link was dead. I called the corporate number, they said the coupon link was gone, but the coupon would be honored for those that have it through its January 31st expiration. Good thing I had saved the PDF to my computer! I highly recomend the Mocha + Chocolate Syrup + Yellow Cake!
Okay, so here is a link to the print-and-use PDF coupon.
– Troy @ TLC