Until recently, pictures in PowerPoint didn’t have a transparency setting for photo/raster images. Transparency could be adjusted on shapes, and for creative presentation designers, a shape fill could be set to be a photo, which would then let the transparency to be adjusted (lots of work, but a hack solution!).
As of late October 2018, image transparency is a real thing in PowerPoint Office 365 version!
When an image is selected, there is a new TRANSPARENCY tool on the ribbon.
- Format tab
- Transparency in the Adjust section
- Preset transparency options, or click “Picture Transparency Options”
On the format pane, the Transparency options allow the amount of transparency to be adjusted. Go to Format Picture > Picture > Picture Transparency.
Here is an image on a blue background slide. First it is the default opaque (0% transparency) and then semi-transparent (30% transparency).
Troy @ TLC