Unfortunately, in general, Microsoft does not work well with layered Photoshop (.psd) files. This includes Windows Explorer previewing them or PowerPoint being able to insert them. I do a lot of work in Photoshop, so I have a lot of Photoshop files for each presentation project. Sometimes, it is a time trap waiting for Photoshop to open the files just to identify if it is a needed file for the presentation. This is especially true when I receive 1-2-30GB files from a graphic department. It takes even a fast computer some time to process a 30GB file with upwards of 50 layers.
Here is a quick way to open, view and identify what those large files are.
1. In Photoshop, go to FILE>>OPEN and select the .psd file
2. If the OPEN button is clicked, the full file opens, including all of the layers
3. But if the SHIFT and ALT keys are held down, then the OPEN button the file opens as a flattened composite image
The advantage is the file, any size, opens instantly. The disadvantage is if layers are turned off they are not visible. I generally create a small .jpg with the same file name for easy reference in Windows explorer.
– Troy @ TLC