It is almost here – PowerPoint 2010! I have been running the pre-beta – beta for 2 months and here it is!
As a Microsoft PowerPoint MVP I have talked with the development team, seen demos, been asked questions and overall impressed. I have been excited about this version for almost 2 years from these interactions and after spending a few months with the near release version (eg. not 100% stable and not 100% functional) I am truly excited.
The month of November is going to almost entirely be focused on PowerPoint 2010… all from my perspective. There is a lot of information on the web about Office 2010, so I am going to list off my top 15 new features/functions from the perspective of a designer who works with the application daily.
And hopefully during this month information on the upcoming public beta will become available. Then you can try it yourself and see if my top features match yours.
– Troy @ TLC