In yesterday’s post I captured my sample online slideshow in PowerPoint’s new “Reader View” – which is somewhere between the traditional edit view and a full slide show. My reason was simple, it made it clear the presentation was running on the web.
There are 3 view options with the PPT Web App.
1. Edit
2. Slideshow
3. Reader
The “Reader” view is in all the MS Webb Apps and in the upcoming Office 2010. Click “view” presentation and this is the default view. To see as a full screen slideshow click the “slideshow” button from this view.
The reader view default shows animations, slide notes, the web browser window is resizable and relies on SilverLight for best performance.
The control bar at the bottom the reader view is used to advance through slides and animations. Unlike the preview animation feature in PowerPoint, the reader view maintains animation timings and pauses for each on-click animation – just like running the slideshow.
– Troy @ TLC