Have you run into the issue of during the slide show an animated bullet list of text has the text shadow visible and then the full text animates on top of the shadow? It is a scenario that started with PPT 2007. The good news is, it is not a bug in the program and it is easy to “fix.”
You have shadow effects on your text and a great on-click animation.

But when you view as a slide show, the shadow of the text is not animating!

To Fix:
1. Select the text box.
2. Go to FORMAT >> SHAPE EFFECTS >> SHADOW and change the selection to NO SHADOW.

3. With the text box still selected, go to FORMAT >> TEXT EFFECTS >> SHADOW and choose the shadow style needed.

4. Now when you run as a slide show everything appears when animated!

PowerPoint has always had two types of shadows: Shape and Text shadows. In PPT 2003, there was really no visual difference between them (at the code level, the two shadow types were different). Starting with PPT 2007, the difference between the two shadows types made a difference in how things are displayed. The non-animating text shadow is the most common way this shows up.
– Troy @ TLC