TinEye is a reverse image search engine. It can be a great resource for presentation design.
TinEye lets you upload, or link to an online image, and see where it came from, find higher resolution versions, how/where it’s being used and if there are modified versions. It is the first image search engine to use image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. When you upload an image to be searched, TinEye creates a unique digital signature for it, and then compares this signature to every other image in their index to find matches. In our tests, TinEye did not generally find similar images, but exact matches – including those that have been cropped, edited, or resized.
The free service allows 50 searches per day, up to 150 searches a week. There is a paid version of TinEye which allows for more searches.
TinEye is easy to use. Here is our sample image and the goal is to find a high res version.
1. On the TinEye webpage, click “Browse” to upload the image. The sample image is fairly small at 350×520 pixels.
2. TinEye search of its database for this image found 80 matches.
3. The default search result is set to Best Match.
4. Changing the sort by Biggest Image, I find a link to the same image that is 1600×1200 pixels!
Note: Most images found online are protected by copyright. If you would like to use any image found through TinEye for commercial purposes, you should confirm it is available under Creative Commons, or contact the image owner for permission.
– Troy @ TLC