In just over a month from now the (unofficial) annual conference for the presentation industry is going to be happening in New Orleans. I look forward to seeing you there!



 Who: 200 attendees, 20 presenters, 14 PPT MVPs, “PowerPoint” people from Microsoft, and representatives from many industry companies

When: September 27-30

Where: The Astor Crowne Plaza, New Orleans, LA

Discount Code: Add NOLA15 to the Client Code filed for a $75 registration discount (there were only 20ish seats left when I talked with the conference organizer earlier this week)

What is Troy Doing There:

  • I attended the very first Presentation Summit, and have been a presenter at every one since (minus 1 – and that was New Orleans!)
  • My first priority is spending time with my fellow PowerPoint MVPs.
  • My second priority is putting on 2 fantastic sessions: (1) The Great PowerPoint vs. Keynote Clickoff. (2) Alignment & Balance – Designing for your audience with intention. The schedule for this year’s conference looks great, and there are going to be a lot of difficult choices – I am just saying, these two sessions will be fantastic!
  • My third priority is enjoying time talking with anyone about anything! (okay – related to computers, presentation design, running a design studio, and my favorite restaurants in New Orleans)
  • And my beautiful and talented wife and business partner, Lori, will be there too!

– Troy @ TLC