Nolan Haims created “The Better Deck Deck”, which is a great example of modern presentation communication. The product tagline is “52 Alternatives to Bullet Points” which is an obvious clue that The Better Deck Deck has 52 cards, each with a design example of ways to visually communicate.
As an internal design project among the TLC Creative Services team, I created a fun (at least I thought it was fun) project for everyone to create a series of slides using some of The Better Deck Deck’s slide layout options. Before sharing some of the (amazing) slide designs, let me share the design team instructions:
- Google “random number generator”. Set the max at 52. Generate.
- That is your first Better Deck Deck style to use.
- Go to (okay to refresh until there is a stat you like)
- Create a boring/standard bullet point list slide based on the amazing fact.
- Create a bulletless design slide, using The Better Deck Deck card style that was randomly assigned to you in step #1.
Troy @ TLC