Some things should be easy to look up, find and reference. Some things are not easily found. Such was the case when I needed to answer a simple question – “Is that font installed with Windows 2000?” Of course, I could not reply with my first thought (“Why are you using Windows 2000!”) as that would most likely not create a good relationship with a new client. And because I no longer have any Windows 2000 computers to check, I did a quick web search. An hour later, I was frustrated with using an hour of my day to answer a simple question, that I should know the answer to.
So, several more hours of research and design and I am confident I can avoid this situation again. Here is my solution, a list of fonts installed with each Windows Operating System since Windows 95 (and yes, Windows Millenium is missing – I purposefully chose to skip over it):

Note: No guarantee that nothing is missing, especially if using a non-English install.
Download the PDF here.
– Troy @ TLC