Greetings to all that think I fell off the internet. I did not fall off, just into more projects and work needs than ever expected, which is good, so I am not complaining (but whining a bit)!

July, with Independence Day and celebrations of Freedom, seems like a great time to get things back in motion. The new TLC Creative Services office is up and running, great design projects are in process, and I just finished a fantastic 2 week family holiday that gave me some time to relax and refocus. All together, things are good and I am excited to have a game plan for ThePowerPointBlog again!
A few adjustments have been put in place to assure things are steadily posted:
– 3 posts per week (generally Mon-Wed-Fri)
– The full TLC Creative Services staff is now a part of writing posts
– Posts by guests are in the rotation
So tomorrow, Monday, is the first PPT post, Wednesday is a great 4th of July themed template that anyone is free to download and use, and there are a lot of reviews, tutorials and example posts all created and queued up!
– Troy @ TLC