TLC Creative Services is a long time user of Adobe apps – all the way back to Photoshop 2 (not CS2, just “2”). For the last few CS (Creative Suite) versions, we have purchased the Design Premium suite, which includes:
– Photoshop Extended
– Illustrator
– InDesign
– Acrobat
– Flash Professional
– Dreamweaver
– Fireworks
– Bridge
– Media Encoder
With CS6, the staff designers have the Design Premium Suite and we are testing Adobe’s new subscription option of CS 6 this year. The subscription plan is a monthly fee vs. the big upfront cost. Adobe is also adding features to applications that are available only to subscription users. The CS6 Subscription is like getting the CS Master Suite and includes:
– Photoshop Extended
– Illustrator
– InDesign
– Dreamweaver
– Flash Professional
– Adobe Premiere Pro
– After Effects
– Audition
– SpeedGrade
– Muse
It would seem the subscription is the way to go. It costs a lot less at the end of the year vs. the disc install. But a major advantage of disc version is still owning the previous version when you upgrade. The TLC show computers inherit the previous version, so they have a full software suite for all design needs.
Every situation is different, but the disc install is going to remain a part of our use for several years because we have an ongoing use for the “old” Adobe software.
– Troy @ TLC