Last Wednesday, Microsoft released the first Service Pack (SP) for Office 2013. The list of updates to PowerPoint is fairly short and deals only with stability issues – no new features or refinement of current features. If you want the details, here is the Microsoft KB article on Office 2013 SP1.
The world of MS Office is now split into two types of installs: MSO (installed from an actual installer app) and CTR (click-to-run which is a cloud based install). How you get SP1 depends on what type of install you have.
Unfortunately, there are not labels on the About Screens that tell if an install is MSO or CTR. Here is one way of identifying the install type:
Go to FILE >> ACCOUNT >> look at the info in right pane.
If there is only 1 box “About PowerPoint” – it is an MSO install.

If there are 2 boxes “About PowerPoint” and “Office Updates” – it is a CTR install.

If you have MSO (traditional installer), the update should be available through Windows Update. Or, you can go direct to Microsoft and download the SP1 installer.
32-bit Office =
64-bit Office =
If you have CTR, SP1 will automatically install when you are online.
– Troy @ TLC