
Happy 4th of July America!

Mike on the TLC Creative presentation design team developed this Independence Day themed animated GIF – in PowerPoint!

The animated GIF sequence is a series of 5 slides.

  • Slide 1 has animation
  • Slides 2-5 the motion effects/animation is accomplished with the Morph transition
  • Because animated GIFs loop, slides 1 and 5 are setup for a seamless loop

The other unique PowerPoint setup is the page size. The animated GIF is square. To accomplish this, the PowerPoint page size has been changed from the default 16×9 aspect ratio to a square size. In this case, 6″x6″.

By |2024-07-16T12:09:43-07:00July 4th, 2024|Portfolio, PowerPoint|

It’s a Leap Year Day!

On this once-every-4-years event, I had to have some PowerPoint animation fun.

The behind the scenes is this animated .GIF was created with 3 slide layouts with transitions and animation, then exported from PowerPoint to animated .gif.

The only PowerPoint animation is on slide #1 for the text:

Happy Leap Year 2024!!

Troy @ TLC


By |2024-02-28T12:01:54-08:00February 29th, 2024|Portfolio, PowerPoint, Tutorial|

And last, Lori’s Card #42

There were so many more fantastic slide designs that came from this internal project. A big thank you to Nolan Haims and The Better Deck Deck for the inspiration! We started with a slide design from Lori, and we are ending this series with another of the slides that Lori designed – because creativity is on display here! Using card 42 – Signpost, it takes amazing creativity to envision a signpost that not only replaces bulllets as it tells part of the story, but is a signpost underwater!

By |2023-02-24T23:09:05-08:00March 31st, 2023|Portfolio, PowerPoint|

Karen’s Card #28

This slide inspires me on many levels. Karen drew The Better Deck Deck card 28 – Images + Text. The final design integrates the original randomly added images into a slide that uses great typography for the “+ Text” portion of the card, but also integrates the instantly recognizable Lego color scheme in the design!

By |2023-03-22T08:47:20-07:00March 27th, 2023|Portfolio, PowerPoint|

Christie’s Card #1

Christie followed up her card 39, Speaker Notes, by converting the same book page of text on “The Poison Garden of Alnwick Castle” into a simple, quick to follow, Better Deck Deck card #1 – Basic Chunking.

By |2023-03-22T08:47:12-07:00March 15th, 2023|Portfolio, PowerPoint|

Christie’s Card #39

Christie has been with TLC Creative for almost a decade (wow!) and is an amazingly talented designer. She drew card 39 – Speaker Notes. To paraphrase, the idea is to take a slide with too much text and create a simple visual to talk to. Christie embraced that with moving the paragraphs of bulleted text to the Speaker Notes and developing a beautiful slide in both imagery and typography for a presenter to tell the story of “The poison garden of Alnwick Castle” (it’s a real place!).

By |2023-03-22T08:47:06-07:00March 13th, 2023|Portfolio, PowerPoint|
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