
TPP e193

Troy talks with Nolan about the presentation training programs Nolan Haims Creative provides to client. Troy was actually at Nolan’s home for this recording – and then they went for a great sushi dinner! Listen to the conversation here.

By |March 5th, 2024|Templates/Assets|

It’s a Leap Year Day!

On this once-every-4-years event, I had to have some PowerPoint animation fun.

The behind the scenes is this animated .GIF was created with 3 slide layouts with transitions and animation, then exported from PowerPoint to animated .gif.

The only PowerPoint animation is on slide #1 for the text:

Happy Leap Year 2024!!

Troy @ TLC


By |February 29th, 2024|Portfolio, PowerPoint, Tutorial|

Troy and Lori on The Presentation Podcast!

You Don’t Know, What You Do Not Know. The conversation this episode is Troy and Lori of TLC Creative talking about features and processes for PowerPoint design and presenting that are not intuitive to know are available, and therefore many people, professional presentation designers included, do not know they exist. Join the conversation here.

By |February 20th, 2024|Resource/Misc|
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