
Drugs for Presenters!

Absolutely serious – this is an add that was in the Sunday paper.

“One out of every three people rate public speaking anxiety as their number one fear… Bravina will prepare you to execute your next presentation.”

I might need to see the research before recommending this one…

– Troy @ TLC

By |2016-08-16T11:06:57-07:00September 8th, 2010|Personal|

The Script Binder Is Very Important

Here is my workspace (or part of it). Question: what is the most important item here?

For large, multi-screen (multi-computer) shows that have lots of cues (slide animations/advances, video rolls, etc.) the script binder reigns supreme. It has the exact script the presnter has on teleprompt. I have added my cue marks and notes throughout. During the show I literally read along as the presenter presents and I do nothing unless it is noted in this binder (no improvisation, everything is rehearsed and set to occur at specific words).

How important? At the end of the day I shutdown computers, lock them away, but the script binder goes with me and never leaves my control (seriously).

– Troy @ TLC

By |2016-08-16T11:19:08-07:00July 23rd, 2010|Personal, Resource/Misc|

ThePowerPointBlog Cards

As a company we do virtually nothing in the way of advertising, and that is fine with me. But I did create some promo cards, actually 2-sided business cards a while back that I occassionally hand out or have available at different speaking or training programs I am doing. Just something fun, visually cool and small.

– Troy @ TLC

By |2016-08-16T11:20:08-07:00July 19th, 2010|Personal, Portfolio|

Sprint 4G Connection

I am working in Chicago this week and Chicago is the first Sprint 4G city I have been in since getting my new phone (HTC EVO). My typical 1-2MB connection jumped to over 5MB!

Definitely not as quick as my office (50MB connection), but faster than the hotel connection.

– Troy @ TLC

By |2016-08-16T11:20:28-07:00July 17th, 2010|Personal|

A stack-O-Computers For The Show

Here was my morning activity for a recent show. Bring out the multiple show computers (all running PPT 2010), connect, test output and work. Powerful laptops are big, but I wouldn’t try carrying a stack of desktop computers!

– Troy @ TLC

By |2016-08-16T11:21:43-07:00July 11th, 2010|Personal|
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