Quotes in a Circle
Thanks to Jake on our design team for today’s slide design.
Design Process:
- Review the quote
- Search for an image that aligns with the quote
- Develop a slide layout that highlights the quote as the focal point, integrates the coordinating image, and use PowerPoint shapes to create accent graphics
PowerPoint Formatting Tip:
- Text in circles is not always easy!
- For the slide quote, all text is inside the circle shape (not a second text box placed on top of the circle). All text is in a single text block. So the bold text, colored text and the smaller attribution text is all formatted in the same text block.
- Formatting text in a circle requires making some adjustments to the shape formatting properties.
– Right-click the circle and select FORMAT SHAPE
– Go to the TEXT OPTIONS and TEXT BOX options
– [Personal preference] Select “DO NOT AUTOFIT”
– Adjust all margins to zero’s (although for this example the top margin was manually set to compensate for the smaller font size text at the bottom and keep the layout vertically centered in the circle shape)
– WRAP TEXT IN SHAPE: this is generally turned on, so the text automatically stays inside the circle. But if the text needs to be just a bit closer the edge, maybe even slightly overlapping the edge, turn this off and use SHIFT+RETURNs to manually create the line breaks
Troy @ TLC